ABDC, barn-dance.com and Stars & Bars proudly present the best value-for-money entertainment in the UK
A completely self-contained Ceilidh, Barn & Line Dance package with/or without a FREE Western or Party Disco. All you need to do is find the hall and add your guests for a fun-filled event of unparalleled fun.
Giving you the maximum "wow" factor at minimal cost, 2-4-1 is the ideal prescription for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and even charity fund-raisers - in fact any event which needs to appeal to a wide range of ages and abilities.
The secret is not simply that 2-4-1 gives you the best of all worlds in a single package; it also features one or both of the two most experienced callers in the country - Henry & Barbara Garfath.
Between them Barbara and Henry have taught well over 220 thousand people of all ages to dance, including single-sex groups, the disabled and elderly frail. Why not experience the experience that level of expertise brings for yourself?
CLICK here to find out more ABOUT YOUR CALLER-DJs
The excellent reputation of 2-4-1 ensures our services are in great demand, so try to book as early as possible (particularly when you want a Saturday night or you have a specific date in mind). However cancellations do occur and some days are not so popular as others so always contact us first. Get in touch with us NOW either by email or phone (see below). Don't hesitate even if you have still to fix the date or to decide on a venue.
Email us on anyact<at>abdc.co.uk [We have used <at> in this address as a precaution to deter "spam", so please replace it with @ before emailing]
Alternatively you can leave a message with our 24/7 telephone answering service by calling 01962 885628.
Don't forget to leave your name and contact details so that we can reply. We aim to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible. However electronic communications are never 100% reliable, so if you have not heard from us within 48 hours please call or email us again.
In very simple terms "you find the hall- we do the call!" but if you want to find a little bit more about what we do, what you need to do and just what a "typical" event entails before contacting us then click the link below:
Click here to learn more ABOUT 2-4-1 CEILIDHS, BARN DANCES & DISCOS
We are confident that 2-4-1 represents the finest value-for-money around. However, almost inevitably, success leads to imitation, So, in the unlikely event that you think you have found a better deal elsewhere do check with us before you book. It is better to be safe than sorry as you never get a chance to relive a special event!